Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Like Rubber

Children are like rubber, no matter what happens to them they bounce back to the same shape.....that is an amazing feature.  And that is a really great thing considering I have done a few things, well maybe more then a few that would probably really leave some decent marks on most adults.  Yet my children forgive me unconditionally, no grudges, no making me walk the line of forgiveness, just pure and simple love and trust.  What a glorious thing to be loved like that.  That we as adults would be able to accept and love in the same manner.  Amazing what my children teach me, even though I most often think that I am teaching them,  haha, what was I thinking?     

Not only do they love me and forgive me and trust me...........they put up with me and all my crazy, hair brained ways.   You know they still think you are the cats meow even when you brake out in a dance that would make most people's draw drop and not in a good way.  Or when you totally forget to feed them breakfast and realize that is the reason they are beginning to faint.  Or you knock them down and then instead of picking them up like they think you are going to, you kick them in the rear and shove their face into the rocks, all in one fatal swoop.  ( and yes, I really did do that to poor little Miah)  And the list goes on, and yet they think that you are the most wonderful thing and love you and kiss you and smear you with their sticky little fingers, pouring their heart out in the artwork that they so generously give to you. Yes, they are like rubber and I love them and am thankful for the love they show me, no matter what.

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