Monday, September 26, 2011

I Have A Little Girl

 I have this little girl who is, they tell me, just like me.........but after finding her in the various scenarios that trail her wherever she goes, I begin to question there statement........or try to.

This was a few hours before we had to be at my cousins wedding.   The mouth framing was, thankfully just a combo of lipstick and lip gloss.  The leg, arms and hand covering is dried nail polish.....Yes, I did say DRIED ON NAIL POLISH.   It took us an hour and a half to remove it all and the poor thing was doused in many different liquids and substances in the process.

So the older kids were also involved in this one, just not quite to the extent of the shortest one.

And this would be the Destine Baby

And yet another great mud bath and feast

Friday, September 23, 2011

Point of View

It all started with hemming a pair of jeans for my sister.      
Outlook on life.
My point of view and the point of view coming from a few feet lower down yet way more
lofty and carefree.
I see hemming jeans as tedious..........
The kids see it as a chance to become Indians with cool headbands or some other unknown and adventurous character.......
I see the mass amounts of mud in the yard as work and a mess..............
My kids see a pottery wheel and endless ways to create new "food"...............
I see the mile high weeds in the neglected garden and think of how ratty it looks............
The kids see it as a jungle to explore and new worlds to create....................
I see the pile of logs needing to be cut and split and stacked as grueling task..................
The kids see mountains to climb and new horizons to overcome..........................
I see the stack of lumber and the half built barn as just that, half built and unfinished........
The kids see it as fort, home and construction site for new and unknown discoveries...........
Outlook on life,   maybe a child's point of view is not so naive and immature as we think, maybe they just know how to really live and make life a joy and adventure for themselves and all around them.....