Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Mud Masks and Dirt Baths

Six and half years ago, my wonderful hubby bought us a house.

Now I was not privy to what this house looked like or anything other
then that his grandad had owned it as a rental.   So my first vision of
"Our First Home"  was pretty depressing and quite daunting to say the least. 
But hey, it was our first home together and we were still newly weds, etc.
So after many ups and downs and nasty and horrible moments, laughter and tears
we are finally seeing the light at the end of the fixer upper tunnel. 
(not mentioning all the small things like trim, and one bedroom left to do, and a
few windows, and cabinet doors, and counter tops and oh, just various other things)

But one big achievement this summer is our "Behemoth", oh, I mean garage.
The one that was started and never really began five years ago.   Yes,
we are finally getting somewhere on it.   What a process it has been.  

The kids have loved it.  And I do believe all the other little kiddos that frequent our house.
For you see, to do this monolith of a garage, we also had to do a lot of excavating.
Hence the massive amount of bare dirt. And when it rains the extreme amount of MUD.
Now, we were discussing buying and building a swing set for our children this summer,
but have really saved money buy just building a garage.   They have spent hours out there
doing, well, I try not to figure out to much of that, that is until they come tramping back into the house and I wonder all over again why it is that I even attempt mopping the floors.
 And my youngest, finds it all quite wonderful, from mud mask and mud baths and even the occasional snack.
So if anyone is pondering that swing set, all you really need is a mud hole and a dirt pile.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Life is so full of ups and downs.
This morning had a lot of downs.....................
But it is a Monday, if I wanted to go along with the world and
blame all my issues on that fact.  
But honestly, it was just another day.   Yes, I have
my good days and bad.   
And with three little ones and one on the way that has
caused me more sickness then any of the other three combined,
at times it feels as if those days just abound with    ARGHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and
AAAAHHHHHSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   and UGHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But then there are the moments that make it all worth it.  
The   'I LOVE YOU MOM'S!!!!!!!'   and  the ' I NEEEEED A KISS MOM!!!!!'
Even if those comments and gifts come from mud covered hands and sryup covered lips. 
They are all mine and I cherish each one.