Thursday, October 18, 2012

Rabbit Trails

I decided that my days are made up of rabbit trails...........
Get breakfast for the kids.....realize that the fridge is filthy and start cleaning it....go find a rag to clean filthy fridge and realize that I have to put the laundry in the washer...while in the laundry room remember to get hamburger out for supper and find that freezer is in need of some organizing...pull dog food eating baby out of dog food dish...remember why baby is hungry...head back to getting breakfast for now very hungry kids....start to clean up kitchen after breakfast and head to bathroom...on the way notice that I haven't made my bed yet....oh and I should get dressed...and put away clothes from yesterdays laundry...remember I have to switch out loads, gather up rest of dirty laundry and haul to laundry room...trip over toys in the hallway and have kids clean them up...and notice that their room needs cleaned also... get that going....answer a random stream of questions from inquisitive child...remember suddenly that there was a reason I was headed back to the bathroom...threaten with their life nicely send away, suddenly dying if I do not talk to you now, flinging themselves at the bathroom door child...look in mirror and am horrified...fix that....and notice that mirror is dirty, clean mirror and figure that I should clean rest of bathroom...get T.P.'d baby out of the toilet paper rolls and decide that I really need a coffee break and sit at computer to enjoy a moment....pull screaming baby out of harms way...back to lukewarm cup of coffee...notice that there is no real quite moment, so get kids busy doing something outside...put on and tie said little kids shoes, notice that we have no socks...go find them in unfolded laundry piled in living room realize that it is getting cold and should build a fire...pull soot laden baby out of stove ashes...appease impatient  child and send them outside with mismatched socks...go back to cold coffee and remember that I have to get almost late bills in the mail...head outside and notice trash bag, so grab it...notice weeds in flower bed...pull an few and remember unsupervised baby inside...get back and find busy baby in a pile of crushed cereal...clean off baby...put to bed...remind myself I only have four kids, i can do this...check on forgotten three kids outside...send up prayer for tree climbing, trampezing, four wheel riding children...clean up cereal and think that the floor could use a mop after seeing the dirt on baby's knees...mop and turn around to all children coming back inside, over just cleaned and mopped floor to let me know they are hungry for lunch...strangle all mud booted children, send them into mudroom to take off boots...look at clock on stove and notice that stove is still dirty with eggs from breakfast...clean stove and start lunch only to realize that fridge is almost empty and need to make a grocery down a few things and get attacked by still hungry children......etc...etc...etc...

Get asked by someone what I did for the day.......come up blank :)
Maybe should take some ginkgo biloba  to get brain waves back on track.

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