He thinks BIG, he plants BIG.
Growing up we always had a nice size garden, but not over the top. As a kid I thought it was huge.
We were taught that ever plant counts, and is valuable till it is dead and withered up. Basically ground in to our being was that you NEVER pulled out a plant that was still producing till it just couldn't squeeze out any more produce. You tilled and weeded and raked before planting, and then got out the tape measure and string and stakes and painstakingly measured and planted ever row. Very thorough and neat and tidy.
Then I married HIM. Totally different set of rules in the garden. All about production and speed.
Till, throw the seeds in, in the best and quickest way possible.
What about picking out all the weed clumps????
What about picking out all the rocks???????
What about raking it out smooth and flat???????
What about the TAPE MEASURE?????????
This man had NO IDEA how to PROPERLY plant a real garden. At least that is what I thought.
Because it was GROUND IN to my garden planting being.
Ok, so there are obviously different ways to plant a garden. He fudged a bit for me, I fudged a lot :)
But moving on.....the garden is now planted. Oh, and with a lot more seeds then I have ever seen.
So as it grows we are steadily watching the progress. Then he up and leaves for Basic Training for two weeks. And the beans come in...........

So that Hubby of mine gets back from training.............. and says..........
"What were you thinking???? We just plant a lot of beans, then pull up the plant after the first or second picking and strip it and then we are done for the summer."
Hold on a second!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you just say that I have been picking and blicking and canning for two weeks for no reason?!?!
Did you just say that you PULL the plant out of the ground before it withers and dies from over production?!?!?!?
Did you just say that?!?!?!?!??!
Needless to say my ground in gardening has had to change a bit and that Hubby of mine has changed his ideas a bit also.
So this year I finally talked him into going a bit smaller =
100 pounds of potatoes
2 pounds of corn
40 some tomato plants
and various other veggies
Yes, that is the smaller version.
WOW! What an adventure! Talk about culture shock! ;)What are his views on weeding?